Entdecke die Magie von Klang und Musik
Willkommen bei Horn Audio
Wo Musik wie Magie klingt. Mein Name ist Marcel, und in diesem Video möchte ich von euch hören, was ihr über Klang und Musik wissen möchtet.
Wie es begann
Von jung an waren Klang und Musik sehr wichtig für mich. Ich hörte mir die ersten Platten und Aufnahmen der Musiker, die ich mochte, mit Kopfhörern an, um das Geheimnis hinter den Klängen zu verstehen, die ich liebte. Diese Leidenschaft führte dazu, dass ich Musiker wurde und schließlich die Band Rapalje gründete.
Auf der Suche nach guten Klang
Through performing at festivals, theaters, and venues, we discovered the importance of sound and how to best reproduce it. Our goal as musicians has always been to not let the sound system take away from the music and instruments themselves. However, reproducing that live sound in a sound system can be challenging, and I’ve made it my mission to bridge that gap as much as possible and let people enjoy the sounds as the musicians intended.
Musik verbindet
The main reason I make music is because it connects people. It creates a language that everyone speaks and understands, and music has the power to bring people together.
Not everyone has the luxury of experiencing live musicians in their own home. Inspired by the way I learned the Irish music in the Irish pub O’Ceallaigh in Groningen,I want to give you the opportunity to experience sound in its purest form.
Hast du eine Frage?
So if you have a question or want to know something about sound, write it in the comments and I will read them all and I will try to make a video with the answer. I can give examples of how sound works, what makes a good sound system, how sound is produced from the musician through a microphone in a studio to your ears at home, and show you different ways to connect sound.